Thursday, January 7, 2010


My New Years post is a little late, I realize that.
But I don't feel like I've been on top of things since, oh...mid December. Between Andy coming home, our families, Christmas celebrations and work, I have been one busy girl. And now clinicals and school have started. And I was told that there are no breaks for the entire year. A semester will end on a Friday and the new semester will begin on the following Monday. And I have to have an average of 24 clinical hours every week from now until December.

But I'm not complaining :)
Nope. One of my resolutions this year is to always be happy even when I really don't want to be (like tomorrow when I have a 16 hour workday...).

Well twentyten, I've survived you so far, but I have a feeling that things are only going to get crazier :)

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