Sunday, January 23, 2011

21 days

day nineteen : by him

Supposedly it takes 21 days to make or break a habit, right?
Hopefully this habit has been made because I'm on day 23...and I still have 342 days to go. The habit I'm trying to form is to take one photo every day. It was one of my goals for this year. I had attempted it before...but never stuck to it. This goal was made mostly because I knew it would help me get to know my camera a little bit better. But I think its also going to help me be better at documenting our lives. Andy is helping me out on this project because some days I work too much and don't get to come home 'til really really late. I have a link to the blog that I will be posting our daily photos on in my sidebar...just if you're interested. Wish me luck!

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