Saturday, May 4, 2013

okay, time for a happy dance!

so i finally got my computer up and running again. i just got it back from the shop last week. you see, it had 60+ viruses on it, some of which scared the $^#% out of me. no programs would be running and yet this creepy circus music would be coming out of my speakers. or sometimes it was gunshots. or someone breathing heavily. or, on the not so scary side, movie clips or trailers. when i was home alone it definitely about gave me a heart attack. anyway, i'm super happy that it's fixed. wahoo!
now if anyone has recommendations on good antivirus software it would be much appreciated.

before i go, i just want to share a picture video. just for you mom!
daphne just learned this new trick a week or so ago. she is pretty much the cutest!

daph's new trick from Kristen Davis on Vimeo.


Michelle and Jason said...

Avast is free and I have been satisfied with it. My husband is a computer programmer and it's what he uses. You just download it from the website. Your daughter is adorable!

Brein said...

She is so dang cute! My computer screen is wet because Irelee keeps making me play it over and over and does it back to her. She loves "baby" and always want to see her on Vine too.

kristen davis said...

thank you michelle!! i am definitely going to try it out!

kelli said...